The PAPER TRAILS project has secured the edition of an issue of the journal Ge-conservación ( to be published in 2023 under the title PAPER TRAILS: Post-industrial histories, technical memories and art practices. The volume will be edited by Herminia Sol, Federica Martini, Renata Faria Barbosa and Ricardo Triães and an external Scientific Council will evaluate the articles following a blind-review process.


UPDATE: The volume in question was published as a Special Issue in Volume 24 of the journal Ge-Conservación on the 15th of December 2023, and has been assigned the DOI:

The complete Volume 24 of Ge-Conservación  is available for download here:


Scientific Council of the volume

Ana Bela Morais - CEComp, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Ana Torrejais - Historical and Pedagogical Museum Prudente de Moraes, São Paulo, Brazil

Cecília Pérez Winter - CONICET/ University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Fernando Costa -TECHN&ART, Polytechnical Institute of Tomar, Portugal   

Graça Filipe - HTC, NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal

Inês Serrano - TECHN&ART, Polytechnical Institute of Tomar, Portugal

Jaelson Bitran Trindade - ARTIS, University of Lisboa/ Member of the Research Fund Council of the Paulista Museum, Univ. São Paulo, Brazil 

João Coroado - TECHN&ART, Polytechnical Institute of Tomar, Portugal

Jorge Custódio - Portuguese Association of Industrial Archaeology/ IHC, NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal

Leonor Loureiro - West Dean College, Reino Unido

Luís Mota Figueira - GOVCOPP, Univ. of Aveiro/ TECHN&ART, Polytechnical Institute of Tomar, Portugal

Luís Pereira -TECHN&ART, Polytechnical Institute of Tomar, Portugal

Luiz Oosterbeek - UNESCO - CIPSH/CGEO, Univ. of Coimbra/ Polytechnical Institute of Tomar, Portugal

Marisa P. de Brito - Breda University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands

Silviu Miloiu - Valahia University, Romenia

Zoltán Somhegyi - Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Hungria



Industrial heritage sites are commonly regarded as a nostalgic reminder of a past life, however their abundance raises legitimate concerns about their future. In recent times, pressure has been mounting, especially as a result of the emergence of new policies for urban planning and for heritage safeguard, to reuse or transform existing constructions within the frame of heritage laws (Oeverman & Mieg, 2015; Douet, 2016). The scale of technological obsolescence along with successive post-industrial and deindustrialization processes questions the number of buildings preserved and what should be kept when industrial production is over. Are all former industrial buildings to be preserved? What are they to be held for? What are the communities concerned and involved in the construction of this heritage? And what forms of preservation may be performed to keep both the material and immaterial memories that industrial experiences entangle?

Following guidelines by the Council of Europe in the 2010s, integrated conservation and revitalization practices have helped take the notion of industrial heritage out of the memory sphere and back into the productive one. While since the 1970s, industrial reconversions have frequently resulted in a transformation from an industrial site to a cultural location (Steyerl, 2009), the 21st-century industrial aesthetic shifts and readjusts to current economic rules and labour modes. At the same time, historical conversions such as the French "tiers-lieu" (third places) - industrial sites converted into cultural sites in the 1990s - have once again become vulnerable under the pressure of new territorial marketing policies. In such a changing context, new forms of conservation emerge across heritage studies, memory studies, and art practices that advocate for organically including in the preservation process workers' memories and technical knowledge along with the physical architecture of the industrial building.

In parallel, recent reflections on the usage of creative processes concerning industrial heritage conservation are challenging more orthodox stances on conservation ethics (Holtorf, 2020). These views argue that past legacies, far from being complete, mirror the transformation of perceptions of the past as time goes by. Some go even further and advocate for the adoption of a strategy that incorporates creativity in the conservation of severely damaged heritage items (Ireland, 2015). This approach also aims at instilling the objects with creative interest and, as a result, help in decision-making processes regarding the new shape and life they will be given while considering, at the same time, the significance of heritage preservation for future generations.

The volume “PAPER TRAILS: Post-industrial histories, technical memories and art practices” questions contemporary cultural, social and economic contexts where industrial heritage is performed. It promotes an interdisciplinary approach by summoning industrial heritage conservation and restoration, while also resorting to perspectives emanating from memory and artistic studies. With this in mind, the volume aims to assess current models for conserving tangible and intangible industrial heritage through the means of conservation and restoration, architecture, memory studies and art practices, while exposing the conflicts that these different views may carry.

The volume welcomes contributions on (but not limited to):

  • recent examples of conservation/restoration techniques of former industrial buildings;
  • sustainable development of reconverted industrial buildings (material vulnerability of reconverted former industrial buildings);
  • ecological impact of conservation/restoration of industrial heritage;
  • art-based conservation/preservation of industrial buildings as a creative and social empowerment act;
  • industrial heritage transformation through co-creation and artistic appropriation;
  • community-based art processes creating new narratives for post-industrial contexts; and
  • controversial and contentious narrative-related memories of industrial heritage (representativity, choices and intervention techniques).



Oeverman, H., & Mieg, H. (2015). Industrial Heritage Sites in Transformation. Routledge Puplication.

Douet, J. (2016). Industrial heritage re-tooled: The TICCIH guide to industrial heritage conservation. Routledge.

Holtorf, C. (2020). Conservation and Heritage As Creative Processes of Future-Making. International Journal of Cultural Property, 27(2), 277-290.

Ireland, T. (2015). The ethics of visibility: Archaeology, conservation and memories of settler colonialism. In The ethics of cultural heritage (pp. 105-125). Springer, New York, NY.

Steyerl, H (2009) Is a museum a factory? e-flux #7. Available at: (accessed 3 February 2022).



May 5th 2023

Deadline for submission of full article.



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  • Keywords: From 4 to 8 keywords, in small letters, below each abstract. These keywords must describe the most important aspects of the work, such as: main subject (e.g. conservation), materials in study, methodology applied, etc. In particular occasions, it can be used combined terms (e.g. preventive conservation).  Letter size: 10 points;
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